Friday, May 23, 2008

Animal Fats-3rd Treatment-Does it work?

August 20, 2007
Because Jabrens milk allergy seemed to cause only skin irritation and not stomach aches, I assumed he was allergic to the fat in dairy, not lactose. So, before giving him any dairy, we continued on with the next allergy, animal fats. We did it on Wednesday, August 20th and after the treatment and testing it was determined, with MRT, that this would take 31 hours to clear, not the usual 25. That would mean his treatment would finish at 6 p.m. on the 21st, his dads birthday. We had a big party for dad, with cake, ice cream, and pizza. The party began at 7 p.m. After everyone arrived we told Jabren to go ahead and have a piece of pizza. He took a slice of cheese and then told my little sister, Juleen "Look, I get to have pizza!" He was just beaming. My mother in law commented that maybe we shouldn't start off giving him very much dairy just in case. I had contemplated this idea, too. But I came to the conclusion that I wanted to know absolutely if he was "cured". If he ate everything he wanted that night, then I would know the next day, just by looking at his skin.He had more dairy that night than he had had total in the last 6 months: 2 pieces of cheese pizza, ice cream and butter cream frosting on chocolate cake.So, the truth would be told tomorrow. Does NAET work? Are these treatments going to give my life back? Will eating out, at restaurants or family parties not be a stressfull event? All my hopes were hinging on how the events of tonight would play out on his skin tomorrow.
To clarify, after having just a yogurt his skin would flare up bright red, with dry and itchy eczema, and hives. As a baby sometimes he would bleed when his eczema on his cheeks got bad enough, but now it was the worst behind his knees and sometimes thighs and his back. So this dairy overload at Jakes birthday party was going to prove definite results. Positive or negative, I would know the results of NAET as an effective tool in treating allergies and other health problems.
One more thing to note: It was also at this visit that she tested the next 18 allergens on the list. I thought he only had a few, but this testing proved to show a lot. Here's the list:Turkey, whiten-all (found in deli salads as a preservative) alcohol, gum mix, vitamins E, D, K, F, and T, food coloring, and food additives.Back at home:At this point, I had been reading anything I could get my hands on regarding the effectiveness of NAET. Now, there were a lot of skeptics to be found online, but usually the skeptics had only heard how it worked and thought it was absurd. Then there were all the people I found who had actually done the treatments. In hundreds of stories I found less than a handful were not satisfied. On the contrary, those who had done it had absolutely positive and exciting results. I also began reading and asking our practitioner many, many questions. Her answers always made sense, and if I couldn't comprehend everything she explained I would go home and study it out and find greater clarity and her remarks always were clearer to me. Explanations just made sense. She could always help me understand my questions and suggest it was possible through allergy ellimination to have the health results I desired in my family. 
In future posts regarding my second son, Joshs NAET experience, I'll explain why this was important to me.Many people who go through treatments do not study it out to find out how it works and thus believe it doesn't make sense or its crazy, but benefits are undeniable. And yet they are satisfied that they are getting the results they sought out.Because of the many skeptics in my close relationships, I felt a need to not only do treatments, but also study it out and understand how and why it worked. I'm not good at just speaking my thoughts clearly when confronted with skeptism or doubt unless I can logically defend my knowledge after much study and research.But also, at the core of who I am, and also intellectually, through this methods scientific explanation I began to comprehend how this method could resolve a vast variety of health problems directly related to allergies one never even knew they had. If I did not understand it, I would not be able to articulate to others it effectiveness in a manner that they could believe me enough to at least try it out. I knew this because it took me 10 months of hearing about it before I just tried it, not knowing anything except a doctor claimed she could elliminate allergies.

Friday, May 9, 2008


August 13, 2007
Next Treatment: Sugar. As the Doctor tested his allergy again and how far away he needed to stay away from sugar, his body showed through MRT (muscle resistance testing), to be sensitive to sugar up to 57 feet! Or in other words, very allergic. We proceeded with the treatment, went home and followed the rules of no sugar for 25 hours, which included not going outside, because fruits and vegetables were in season and outside in the garden and bagging up all my sugar and placing in the garage. So we had another movie.I cannot specifically remember which treatments he had emotional breakdowns, and irritability with but, those were some things we dealt with during some of them.I believe he actually slept in the late afternoon on this one. Needing extra sleep seemed to be a byproduct of treatments.August 20, 2007 we went in and he cleared his sugar allergy. So I asked the doctor if after his animal fats treatment if she thought he would not be allergic to dairy. She matter of factly stated that he was probably good to have it now that he cleared sugar. In my mind I thought, "For certain, I know he still has not cleared for dairy products. We still need to do animal fats before that could happen." She said "We can check to be sure right now." After slipping specific vials of lactose, milk, and cheese into my hand while he held my wrist, then testing him through me, my arm showed complete strength.I was in shock. I asked, "Are you serious?" I just couldn't comprehend being at the end of our dairy allergy. I left her office in a daze. It was like someone just told me I won the lottery. It took awhile to sink in. And yet, once in our car I started laughing, crying and screaming all at once. Jabren looked at me like I was crazy and I just kept telling him he wasn't allergic anymore.This day finally came, so much sooner than we ever believed - that he could have ice cream, cheese, and yogurt, anything he wanted. Dairy is in nearly everything. We had told him that this day would come, but when we promised him that we ourselves didn't know if that would truly be possible. Because he had gone without it, I decided to put off incorporating it in his diet until we finished the animal fats. After that treatment then we would try it out and see if we noticed a change in reactions.One of my afterthoughts regarding sugar:His second allergy: sugar, surprised me, but a few months after this treatment I thought back to a previous experience we had a year before. Nearly 10 months before this treatment, I finally concluded that Jabren needed to be tested for Diabetes. He had a lot of symptoms that were a sign of it, and the more I read the more I got scared. I needed to know conclusively so I could put the worry aside. The longer diabetes goes undiagnosed the worse the damage. I'm not a worrier, nearly ever, so for me to be this concerned I figured I needed to do something. We went to his pediatrician in October 2006 and she said not to worry. His blood sugar levels were fine. Relieved, I still wondered about his excessive thirst, constant potty breaks, the sometimes smell on his breath of acetone, and shaking, from what I thought was low blood sugar. All of these are symptoms of it.As I write, in June 2008 he rarely, if ever has any of these symptoms anymore.